Girl Dog Names Starting With T

Explore our comprehensive collection of female dog names, thoughtfully organized in alphabetical order. From names beginning with A like Abby and Aurora, to B names like Bella and Bailey, to elegant L names like Luna and Lily. Each name comes with its meaning and origin to help you make an informed choice. Looking for something specific? Try our category collections, origin-based names, or explore names by dog breeds. Whether you're seeking a traditional, modern, or unique name, our extensive database has the perfect name for your female puppy.
Name Meaning Origin Action
Trude Strength Germanic Detail
Trudy Strength of the spear Germanic Detail
True Strength of the spear Germanic Detail
Truffles Ball shaped chocolate English Detail
Truly Just, True German Detail
Trunks Hebrew Detail
Trupti Hebrew Detail
Trusha Desire to drink Indian Detail
Tryna Pure Dutch Detail
Tryne Pure Dutch Detail
Tryphena Delicate, Soft Hebrew Detail
Tsing-tao Hebrew Detail
Tsubasa Wing Japanese Detail
Tsunami Tidal wave English Detail
Tu-tone Hebrew Detail
Tubby Hebrew Detail
Tubthumper Hebrew Detail
Tuck-tuck Hebrew Detail
Tudball Hebrew Detail
Tuela Hebrew Detail
Tuesday Tyr's day or Mars' day English Detail
Tuff Fun spelling of tough; strong and resilient. English Detail
Tuffer Hebrew Detail
Tuffnel Hebrew Detail
Tuffy Hebrew Detail
Tufty Hebrew Detail
Tuhina Ice crystals Indian Detail
Tukkie Hebrew Detail
Tula An industrial city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast, Russia Russian Detail
Tulasi A Devi Hindu Detail
Tulia Destined For Glory Spanish Detail
Tulip Hebrew Detail
Tullie Hebrew Detail
Tully Prince of the people Gaelic Detail
Tulula Hebrew Detail
Tunie Hebrew Detail
Tuppence British for two pence (coins) English Detail
Turbo Driven by a turbine - turbocharged English Detail
Turby Hebrew Detail
Turddy Hebrew Detail
Turdman Hebrew Detail
Turkey Hebrew Detail
Tushie Hebrew Detail
Tusita Hebrew Detail
Tusti Peace, Happiness Goddess Hindu Detail
Tutanka Hebrew Detail
Tutter Hebrew Detail
Tuvok After the vulcan character on the Star Trek Voyager tv series English Detail
Tuwa Earth Native American Detail
Tuyen Darling Vietnamese Detail