Girl Dog Names Starting With C

Explore our comprehensive collection of female dog names, thoughtfully organized in alphabetical order. From names beginning with A like Abby and Aurora, to B names like Bella and Bailey, to elegant L names like Luna and Lily. Each name comes with its meaning and origin to help you make an informed choice. Looking for something specific? Try our category collections, origin-based names, or explore names by dog breeds. Whether you're seeking a traditional, modern, or unique name, our extensive database has the perfect name for your female puppy.
Name Meaning Origin Action
Could Hebrew Detail
Courtney From Courtenay English Detail
Cowboy Hebrew Detail
Coy Quiet person English Detail
Coya Hebrew Detail
Coye Woods French Detail
Cozmo Hebrew Detail
Crabanasty Hebrew Detail
Crabina Hebrew Detail
Crackers Hebrew Detail
Crane Hebrew Detail
Crash To smash into things, to break or dash to pieces. To join a party without invitation. English Detail
Crazy Hebrew Detail
Creampuff Hebrew Detail
Cree Native American Tribe English Detail
Creme-puff Hebrew Detail
Creo Hebrew Detail
Creola Possible to do with Creole American English Detail
Crescent Growing Latin Detail
Cressida Golden Greek Detail
Cricket A leaping insect English Detail
Crikey Hebrew Detail
Crimson Crimson, red English Detail
Crisco Hebrew Detail
Cristail Hebrew Detail
Cristal Crystal English Detail
Cristina Follower of Christ Latin Detail
Cristy Follower of Christ Latin Detail
Critter Hebrew Detail
Croak Hebrew Detail
Crubellelasheentaii Hebrew Detail
Crue Hebrew Detail
Cruella Hebrew Detail
Cruiser Hebrew Detail
Crunch Hebrew Detail
Crush Hebrew Detail
Crusher Hebrew Detail
Crystal Crystal English Detail
Cubby Hebrew Detail
Cuddles To nestle or snuggle. English Detail
Cueball Hebrew Detail
Cuffs Hebrew Detail
Cujo Hebrew Detail
Cuka Hebrew Detail
Cumulus Hebrew Detail
Cupcake Small cake baked in a cup shaped container English Detail
Cupid Desire Latin Detail
Cuppa Hebrew Detail
Cuppu Hebrew Detail
Curious Hebrew Detail