Girl Dog Names Starting With B

Explore our comprehensive collection of female dog names, thoughtfully organized in alphabetical order. From names beginning with A like Abby and Aurora, to B names like Bella and Bailey, to elegant L names like Luna and Lily. Each name comes with its meaning and origin to help you make an informed choice. Looking for something specific? Try our category collections, origin-based names, or explore names by dog breeds. Whether you're seeking a traditional, modern, or unique name, our extensive database has the perfect name for your female puppy.
Name Meaning Origin Action
Bobby Bright fame Germanic Detail
Bobert Hebrew Detail
Bobo On tuesday born African Detail
Bocephus Hebrew Detail
Bogavich Hebrew Detail
Bogey Hebrew Detail
Boggy Hebrew Detail
Boh Hebrew Detail
Bohemian Hebrew Detail
Bojangles Hebrew Detail
Bolo Hebrew Detail
Bolt Hebrew Detail
Bomarange Hebrew Detail
Bon-bon Hebrew Detail
Bona Good Latin Detail
Bonamy Good Friend French Detail
Bongo Connected drums played by beating with hands. English Detail
Bonita Pretty Spanish Detail
Bonkers Hebrew Detail
Bonnie Pretty English Detail
Bonsai The art of growing dwarfed ornamental trees and shrubs. English Detail
Boo Hebrew Detail
Booboo Hebrew Detail
Booger Hebrew Detail
Booma Hebrew Detail
Boomer A large full grown kangaroo. A baby boomer. English Detail
Boomerang Hebrew Detail
Boomqueda Hebrew Detail
Boot Hebrew Detail
Boots Hebrew Detail
Bootsy Hebrew Detail
Boozer Excessive alcoholic drinker English Detail
Boppity Hebrew Detail
Bopsy Hebrew Detail
Boress Hebrew Detail
Borgny Brightness Norwegian Detail
Borris Hebrew Detail
Bosko Hebrew Detail
Bossy Hebrew Detail
Boston Botolph's town English Detail
Bounce Hebrew Detail
Bows Hebrew Detail
Bowser Hebrew Detail
Boy-boy Hebrew Detail
Bracha Blessing Hebrew Detail
Brady Descendant of Brádach Gaelic Detail
Brainard Bold Raven English Detail
Brandee Variation Of The Beverage Brandy Used As A Given Name. English Detail
Brandi Burning wine English Detail
Brandice Variation Of The Beverage Brandy Used As A Given Name. English Detail