Female Dog Names Inspired by True Blood

True Blood is an American television drama series based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels by Charlaine Harris, detailing the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional, small town in northwestern Louisiana. There are lots of actors and actresses joined True Blood, and there are no better source for horrible dog names at this Halloween holiday. True Blood dog names are inspired from characters and celebrities in the television.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Abbie Father in rejoicing Hebrew Detail
Abigail Father in rejoicing Hebrew Detail
Adele Noble Germanic Detail
Adina Slender Hebrew Detail
Aileen Form of Helen Gaelic Detail
Alex Defending men Greek Detail
Alexandra Defending men Greek Detail
Alexei Defender Greek Detail
Alexis Defender Greek Detail
Alisha Protected by god Indian Detail
Alissa Of noble kind French Detail
Alyson Of noble kind French Detail
Amanda She who must be loved Latin Detail
Amelia Work Germanic Detail
Amy Loved French Detail
Anastasia Resurrection Greek Detail
Angela Messenger Greek Detail
Angelica Of the angels Latin Detail
Ann Grace Hebrew Detail
Anna Grace Hebrew Detail