Female Dog Names for Pretty Girls, Best Names for Pretty Dogs

A pretty girl puppy needs a suitable pretty name, and we have prepared a beautiful collection of dog names here for your beloved puppy. From long romantic names to pretty old-fashioned names, and even including natural flower names, you are sure to find the perfect name for your dogs. Old-fashioned names are classic and beautiful, and they never go out of style. You could also consider some of your favorite romantic destinations, such as Rome and Venice.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Abha Splendour Sanskrit Detail
Abhilasha Desire, wish Sanskrit Detail
Abigail Father in rejoicing Hebrew Detail
Acacia Point Greek Detail
Adela Noble Germanic Detail
Adrienne From Hadria Latin Detail
Agnes Chaste Greek Detail
Ai Love Japanese Detail
Akshita Permanent Sanskrit Detail
Akuti Intention Sanskrit Detail
Alba Scotland Gaelic Detail
Aleah To ascend Hebrew Detail
Alessandra Defending men Greek Detail
Alexa Defending men Greek Detail
Alexandria Defending men Greek Detail
Alisha Protected by god Indian Detail
Alissa Of noble kind French Detail
Alma Maiden Hebrew Detail
Althea Medicinal herb Greek Detail
Amaia High place Spanish Detail