Female Dog Names That Rock: Tough and Cool Names for Girl Dogs

Some breeds of dogs can be macho if you give them the right name, for example The Bichon Frise. You could name your male pup after a Greek God from myths, for instance Apollo, Hercules, or Zeus. Of course you could name him after those historical figures, for instance Caesar, Brutus, or Patton. There are lots of other tough and masculine names for your dogs, for example Tank, Hammer, Rocky, Razor, Bear, and Tiger. Check out our collection of macho dog names for more options.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Apache Hebrew Detail
Argos Bright Greek Detail
Atlas Not enduring Greek Detail
Avalanche Hebrew Detail
Bandit An outlaw or robber English Detail
Bear Large mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick fur English Detail
Blackie Of the colour black. English Detail
Blackjack A leather covered hand weapon. A card game English Detail
Blaze Stuttering Latin Detail
Blitz Hebrew Detail
Bolt Hebrew Detail
Boomer A large full grown kangaroo. A baby boomer. English Detail
Brownie Moist chocolate cake with nuts English Detail
Bruiser A large heavyset man English Detail
Bugsy Hebrew Detail
Bullet A metal cylinder shot from a rifle or gun. Used to express speed. English Detail
Bully An overbearing person, a ruffian English Detail
Buster One that breaks up something American English Detail
Butch Masculine in appearance or manner. American English Detail
Caine Reed, cane English Detail