Female Dog Names Inspired by Latin

Latin is a classical and romantic language originated in Italy, and it has became the dominant language in Italy and was spread throughout Europe. There are lots of names of Latin origin, and you could consider choosing a Latin dog name for your beloved puppy of any origin or breed. We have pulled together this collection of Latin dog names, you will find your satisfied choices for both your male and female dogs.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Abril Open Latin Detail
Accalia Mythical Mother Of Romulus And Remus Greek Detail
Adela Noble Germanic Detail
Adriana From Hadria Latin Detail
Adrianna From Hadria Latin Detail
Adrianne From Hadria Latin Detail
Adrina From Hadria Latin Detail
Afra Praise Persian Detail
Agatha Good Greek Detail
Alba Scotland Gaelic Detail
Albus White Latin Detail
Alecia Of noble kind French Detail
Aleta Truth Greek Detail
Aletta Noble kind Germanic Detail
Alina Noble French Detail
Alisha Protected by god Indian Detail
Allegra Happy, jaunty Italian Detail
Alma Maiden Hebrew Detail
Alpha First letter of the Greek alphabet Greek Detail
Alta Tall Spanish Detail