Female Dog Names for Fat Pups, Girl Dog Names for Weighty Companions

Some dog breeds require a lot less energy, these lazy breeds are perfect for couch potatoes, most of them are fat. For example, English Bulldogs, Chow Chows, Basset Hounds, and Pugs. If you have such a breed dog, you could consider giving him or her a fat name. Our fat dog names are inspired by those names have the meanings or annotations of fat, or inspired by those fat people. Check out the below list and select your favorite names for your boy or girl puppies.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Bear Large mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick fur English Detail
Belly Hebrew Detail
Bertha Famous Germanic Detail
Biggie Hebrew Detail
Boomer A large full grown kangaroo. A baby boomer. English Detail
Bridget The exalted one Gaelic Detail
Bruiser A large heavyset man English Detail
Bubba Hebrew Detail
Buddha Hebrew Detail
Bull The adult male of certain large animals like cattle and elephants English Detail
Burrito A flour tortilla wrapped around a filing of beef, beans or cheese English Detail
Butch Masculine in appearance or manner. American English Detail
Chewy Needing chewing. English Detail
Chubbs Rounded and plump. English Detail
Chunk Hebrew Detail
Chunky Short, thick and stocky. Also means containing small pieces like chunky soup or stew. English Detail
Cletus Pray Greek Detail
Courtney From Courtenay English Detail
Crisco Hebrew Detail
Diesel Hebrew Detail