Female Dog Names: Affectionate Girl Names for Dogs

Some breeds of dogs are affectionate, for example Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Bedlington Terrier, Italian Greyhound, and Bearded Collie. Dogs often show affection to humans with wagging tails, smiling face, jumping, or leaning. If you have a affectionate and sweet puppy, you could consider giving him or her an affectionate name. Here comes our collection of affectionate dog names for your male or female puppies. Feel free to choose your favorite names for your beloved canines.

Dog Names List

Name Meaning Origin Action
Alfie Wise counselor English Detail
Ambrose Immortal Greek Detail
Angel Messenger Greek Detail
Asta Love Norwegian Detail
Bambi Little girl Italian Detail
Beauty One that is beautiful, especially a woman English Detail
Bella My God is a vow Hebrew Detail
Bitsy Hebrew Detail
Blue Blue English Detail
Bon-bon Hebrew Detail
Boo Hebrew Detail
Brandy Burning wine English Detail
Bubbles Thin spherical liquid filled with gas. Irrepressible activity. English Detail
Buttercup A bright yellow flowered plant. Also a term of endearment. English Detail
Caramel A smooth chewy candy English Detail
Charlie Free man Germanic Detail
Chili Hebrew Detail
Cinnabon Hebrew Detail
Cookie A small flat, crisp cake English Detail
Creampuff Hebrew Detail