All Girl Dog Names

Explore our comprehensive collection of female dog names, thoughtfully organized in alphabetical order. From names beginning with A like Abby and Aurora, to B names like Bella and Bailey, to elegant L names like Luna and Lily. Each name comes with its meaning and origin to help you make an informed choice. Looking for something specific? Try our category collections, origin-based names, or explore names by dog breeds. Whether you're seeking a traditional, modern, or unique name, our extensive database has the perfect name for your female puppy.
Name Meaning Origin Action
Lenore Pity Greek Detail
Leola Lion Latin Detail
Leoma Clever English Detail
Leona Lion Latin Detail
Leonie Lion English Detail
Leonora Pity Greek Detail
Leonox Hebrew Detail
Leontyne Lion Latin Detail
Leopolda Of The People English Detail
Leora My light Hebrew Detail
Lerk Hebrew Detail
Lesh Hebrew Detail
Lesley Holly Garden Gaelic Detail
Leslie Holly Garden Gaelic Detail
Lesly Holly Garden Gaelic Detail
Lestat Hebrew Detail
Letha Ladylike Greek Detail
Lethia Forgetful English Detail
Leticia Joy Latin Detail
Letitia Joy Latin Detail
Levana Moon Hebrew Detail
Levern Hebrew Detail
Levia Lionness of the Lord Hebrew Detail
Lex Defending men Greek Detail
Lexi Defending men Greek Detail
Lexie Defending men Greek Detail
Lexine Defender Of Man English Detail
Lexington Hebrew Detail
Lexis Defender Greek Detail
Lexiy Hebrew Detail
Lexus A brand of car English Detail
Lexy Defending men Greek Detail
Leyna Little Heavenly Messenger German Detail
Leyza Hebrew Detail
Lezzi Hebrew Detail
Lia Uncertain, possibly from Rosalia Italian Detail
Liadan Grey Lady Irish Detail
Lian Unisexual Name Meaning "The Graceful Willow" Latin Detail
Liana Bond Latin Detail
Liani Hebrew Detail
Liannaka Hebrew Detail
Liberty Freedom Latin Detail
Licia Of noble kind French Detail
Licorice Confection made from the licorice root. English Detail
Lida Noble kind Germanic Detail
Lidia Woman from Lydia Greek Detail
Lien Lotus Chinese Detail
Liesel My God is a vow Hebrew Detail
Liet Hebrew Detail
Lightening Hebrew Detail